C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design
2024-03-20 09:54:41 11.47MB
Java How to Program,11 / e,早期对象版本 源代码 这些文件仅供您个人使用,不得重新分发或重新发布。 如有任何疑问,请在“问题”标签中打开一个问题,或给我们发送电子邮件:在deitel dot com上发送deitel。 第25章(您手动输入到Jshell中的代码段)或第33章(ATM代码在第34章中)都没有代码。 Deitel&Associates,Inc和Pearson Education,Inc.版权所有1992-2017。保留所有权利。 本书的作者和出版者已竭尽所能编写本书。 这些工作包括对理论和程序的开发,研究和测试,以确定其有效性。 对于这些程序或本书中包含的文档,作者和发行者不作任何形式的明示或暗示的保证。 在任何情况下,作者,出版商均不对与提供,执行或使用这些程序有关的或由其引起的附带或间接损失负责。
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As the computer industry changes from single-processor to multiprocessor architectures, this revolution requires a fundamental change in how programs are written. To leverage the performance and power of multiprocessor programming, also known as multicore programming, you need to learn the new principles, algorithms, and tools presented in this book. It includes fully-developed Java examples detailing data structures, synchronization techniques, transactional memory, and more. Prof. Maurice Herlihy, who coined the phrase 'transactional memory,' is on the faculty of Brown University. He is the recipient of the 2003 Dijkstra Prize in distributed computing. Prof. Nir Shavit is on the faculty of Tel-Aviv University and a member of the technical staff at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. In 2004 they shared the Gödel Prize, the highest award in theoretical computer science., , * THE book on multicore programming, the new paradigm of computer science, * Written by the world's most revered experts in multiprocessor programming and performance, * Includes examples, models, exercises, PowerPoint slides, and sample Java programs
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冲击是一个显式的有限元程序套件,可模拟动态冲击事件。 它具有一系列要素,联系方式和不同的材料法则。 可以使用随附的预处理器和后处理器来创建,求解和分析模型。 影响基于显式时间步进算法。 这类代码用于模拟动态现象,例如车祸等,通常涉及较大的变形。
2023-06-25 16:38:54 28.96MB 开源软件