2022-11-04 14:05:21 648KB html5
2022-05-03 17:06:31 1.22MB 文档资料 dnn 神经网络 深度学习
Intel TBB(Threading Building Blocks) 项目负责人编写
2022-03-15 09:43:28 2.89MB TBB
警告: 仍在继续该项目 我们很高兴地宣布,NPB内核和伪应用程序都可以在我们的新存储库。 这是我们关于NAS并行基准(NPB)套件的第一项工作,许多其他工作正在以许多不同的方式继续进行该项目。 注意:此存储库将不再更新,因此,请在关注我们 如何引用这项工作 D. Griebler,J。Loff,G。Mencagli,M。Danelutto和LG Fernandes。 C + +并行编程的高效NAS基准内核。 在第26届Euromicro国际并行,分布式和基于网络处理(PDP)会议的会议记录中。 英国剑桥,2018。 NPB-CPP基准 这些代码从原始转换为C ++ 。 与Fortran版本相比,我们在C ++中获得了类似的性能。 ================================================================== NAS Paral
2021-12-10 18:08:04 234KB benchmark parallel openmp parallelism
High Performance Parallelism Pearls shows how to leverage parallelism on processors and coprocessors with the same programming – illustrating the most effective ways to better tap the computational potential of systems with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and Intel Xeon processors or other multicore processors. The book includes examples of successful programming efforts, drawn from across industries and domains such as chemistry, engineering, and environmental science. Each chapter in this edited work includes detailed explanations of the programming techniques used, while showing high performance results on both Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and multicore processors. Learn from dozens of new examples and case studies illustrating "success stories" demonstrating not just the features of these powerful systems, but also how to leverage parallelism across these heterogeneous systems.
2019-12-21 20:59:15 27.13MB performance parallelism
Advanced Computer Architecture - Parallelism, Scalability, and Programmability 高级计算机体系结构
2019-12-21 19:42:38 19.05MB 高级 计算机 体系结构 并行