在keras可视化模型输出,使用下述函数报错 >>from keras.utils import plot_model >>plot_model(model, to_file=‘model.png’) OSError: `pydot` failed to call GraphViz.Please install [GraphViz] and ensure that its executables are in the $PATH.
2022-02-25 16:01:06 31.66MB graphviz-2.38.ms
保证可用,打开时msi Windows Development Windows install packages Stable 2.38 Windows install packages Cygwin Ports* provides a port of Graphviz to Cygwin. WinGraphviz* Win32/COM object (dot/neato library for Visual Basic and ASP). Mostly correct notes for building Graphviz on Windows can be found here. https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/
2021-07-01 18:28:00 31.66MB graphviz-2.38.ms graphviz