ca-fires-history 跟踪来自火灾数据 如果此仓库已更改,则每二十分钟存档一次最新版本的 。 该项目的背景:
2022-05-05 13:38:47 4KB fires disasters git-scraping
2021-11-15 00:19:04 30KB MATLAB
A complete Mesh deformation, animation and Morphing system including over 50 modifiers such as Bend, Twist, FFD, Displace, Taper. They can be stacked in any combination and any number of modifiers can be applied to a mesh to achieve complex results. Objects can stretch, squash, morph or be bent over of deformed, whatever your imagination allows. The morph system is the most advanced available for Unity. Recent additions to the suite include Point Cache animation support, a physics based rope system and a dynamic water ripple and floating object system. MegaFiers is written in C# and all source code is included, also it makes use of multiple CPU’s for amazing performance and works on all platforms and with the Free version of Unity. Compatible with all versions of Unity from 3.4 to 2019 and works on IOS and Android and all other Unity platforms. MegaFiers also is fully compatible with all Unity Rendering pipelines. We also constantly update the asset for all new releases of Unity. Also included is an advanced spline system which also allows for path following or conversion of splines to meshes, a dynamic hose system and a system for tracked vehicles, and an advanced mesh wrapping system for applying clothing etc. to deforming objects. Also available on our Website is a set of PlayMaker actions which includes actions for over 50 modifiers and warps. Compatible with all Rendering Pipelines Compatible with all versions of Unity New Feature – Now works with Text Mesh Pro meshes. New Feature – Import OBJ sequences Included Modifiers – Attractor Bezier – Bend – Bubble – Bulge – Collision Deform – Conform – Conform Multi – Crumple – Curve Deform – Curve Sculpt – Curve Sculpt Layers – Cylindrify – Deformable – Displace – Displace Limits – Displace RT – Displace WebCam – Dynamic Ripple – FFD 2x2x2 – FFD 3x3x3 – FFD 4x4x4 – Globe – HIt Deform – Hump – Melt – Morph – Noise – Page Flip – Paint – Path Deform – Pivot Adjust – Point Cache – Push – Radial Skew – Relax – Ripple –
2021-11-01 20:05:37 99B unity
Cell automaton_Forest fires(元胞自动机-森林火灾):C++代码实现模拟森林着火。
2021-10-14 14:02:37 2KB 元胞自动机 C++ 森林火灾 算法
巴西森林火灾2018 亚马逊雨林是世界上最大的热带雨林。 它包含了数量惊人的野生动植物和生物多样性。 严重的火灾以及不可持续的森林砍伐导致数以百万计的动植物死亡。 这不仅对居民不利,而且对关注将亚马逊作为自然资源的人们也有害。 火灾不仅会释放大量二氧化碳,而且还会产生其他成本-多个国家已经宣布发生紧急情况,消防员肩负着控制其的重任。 应用程序 开发中的应用程序是Shiny应用程序。 着眼于可视化,该应用程序将结合使用ggplot2和dplyr(和其他库)来创建不同时间不同区域森林火灾数量的可视化。 这些图将包括抖动散点图,饼图,条形图,线形,波形图等等! 尽管此应用仍在开发中(我目前参与的一些项目现在处于优先地位),但以下是一些演示图像: 2000年至2014年所有州的抖动散点图(按年份分组)。 从01/2005到01/2015的所有状态的折线图。 本地运行 可以使用以下代码在RSt
2021-10-08 23:00:18 657KB HTML
brazil_forest_fires 使用来自Kaggle的巴西森林火灾数据集对巴西森林火灾进行数据分析 去做 读取csv文件,并显示。 是一千个运算符 获取数据形状 获取数据的标题 描述数据包括所有 检查是否缺少任何值 将数据分成较小的子集 删除行数为零的行 用nan替换零 用Nan删除行 获取新数据集的形状 描述新的数据集,包括所有 创建数据子集 每月查找森林火灾-按月分组 重新索引生成的序列-我们需要将月份保存在唯一列表中 每月将目录林转换为数据框 使用googletrans将月份翻译成英文 剧情
2021-09-17 20:14:35 32KB Python
This is a difficult regression task, where the aim is to predict the burned area of forest fires, in the northeast region of Portugal, by using meteorological and other data.
2019-12-21 21:05:56 9KB 机器学习,分类,UCI