2023-08-30 20:50:34 3.27MB moto
2023-03-14 00:55:01 47KB android start end
End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers论文阅读笔记
2023-01-02 20:27:38 9.33MB 深度学习 论文阅读
深度学习黑白照片彩色化论文 Let there be Color Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors.pdf
2022-10-06 11:56:00 15.35MB Color
人脸识别综述论文:The Elements of End-to-end Deep Face Recognition: A Survey of Recent Advances
2022-10-04 21:05:36 9.28MB
杰森 Jetson 是一个自动驾驶玩具车项目。 它包含在 PyTorch 中构建的端到端 CNN 视觉系统。 检查相应的文章: 能力 路径跟随 停止中 十字路口左转 十字路口右转 硬件 任何具有可控油门(经度)和转向(横向)的遥控汽车底盘都应该兼容。 有很多选项可以开始。 我建议查看、或本项目中使用的。 传感器 具有 200° FOV 的前置广角摄像头 脑 NVIDIA Jetson Nano 软件 先决条件 喷气卡 喷气机 喷气式飞机 火炬2trt *使用 waveshare 的工具包时,您可能需要使用上述存储库的 waveshare 分支,请参阅链接 1. 数据收集 笔记本此阶段的主要目标是收集反映正确驾驶的数据,即具有正确注释的转向和油门值的图像。 在使用游戏手柄驾驶时,您可以记录相机帧以及相应的转向和油门值。 示例数据可能如下所示: [0.1, 0.5]
2022-08-02 08:52:53 44.74MB python end-to-end nano cnn
2022-07-31 15:32:41 2KB 波束成形 matlab 3Dbeamforming
The common wisdom is that distributed transactions do not scale. But what if distributed transactions could be made scalable using the next generation of networks and a redesign of distributed databases? There would be no need for developers anymore to worry about co-partitioning schemes to achieve decent performance. Application development would become easier as data placement would no longer determine how scalable an application is. Hardware provisioning would be simplified as the system ...
2022-07-12 09:06:53 408KB 数据库 分布式事务 事务
The Support Vector Machine is a powerful new learning algorithm for solving a variety of learning and function estimation problems, such as pattern recognition, regression estimation, and operator inversion. The impetus for this collection was a workshop on Support Vector Machines held at the 1997 NIPS conference. The contributors, both university researchers and engineers developing applications for the corporate world, form a Who's Who of this exciting new area. Contributors: Peter Bartlett, Kristin P. Bennett, Christopher J. C. Burges, Nello Cristianini, Alex Gammerman, Federico Girosi, Simon Haykin, Thorsten Joachims, Linda Kaufman, Jens Kohlmorgen, Ulrich Kreßel, Davide Mattera, Klaus-Robert Müller, Manfred Opper, Edgar E. Osuna, John C. Platt, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, John Shawe-Taylor, Alexander J. Smola, Mark O. Stitson, Vladimir Vapnik, Volodya Vovk, Grace Wahba, Chris Watkins, Jason Weston, Robert C. Williamson.
2022-06-27 11:03:37 11.6MB kernel machine learning svm
2022-06-09 13:02:02 12.41MB linux 运维 软件/插件