线性代数应该这样学Liner Algebra Done Right(中文)
2024-02-04 19:55:59 13.95MB 线性代数
This text for a second course in linear algebra, aimed at math majors and graduates, adopts a novel approach by banishing determinants to the end of the book and focusing on understanding the structure of linear operators on vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to simplify proofs. For example, the book presents - without having defined determinants - a clean proof that every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex vector space has an eigenvalue. The book starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basics, and dimension. Students are introduced to inner-product spaces in the first half of the book and shortly thereafter to the finite- dimensional spectral theorem. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra. This second edition features new chapters on diagonal matrices, on linear functionals and adjoints, and on the spectral theorem; some sections, such as those on self-adjoint and normal operators, have been entirely rewritten; and hundreds of minor improvements have been made throughout the text.
2023-11-10 22:38:22 2.91MB Linear Algebra
2022-09-27 15:38:10 1.27MB 数学
线性代数进阶课本,英文名《Linear Algebra Done Right》, 中文名《线性代数应该这样学》,本文档为英文原版第二版。
2022-06-10 10:03:18 1.14MB 线性代数 课本
Linear Algebra Done Right zip 线性代数应该这样学 中文第二版 英文第三版
2022-05-20 12:24:34 16.63MB pdf 性代数
正确的线性代数,第三版:解决方案 这里的大多数解决方案都是我自己撰写的,但是有些解决方案是在此的帮助下完成的。 每个章节文件夹中的notes.md (尽管有)包含一些定理或引理。 为了可视化方程式,我建议使用扩展名为Google Chrome或 。 免责声明:不要认为此处发布的每个解决方案都是正确的。 每个人都容易出错,甚至在像我这样的本科生的时候,甚至更多。 实际上,如果您发现错误,或者解决方案不够清晰,请发布新的问题,我会进行调查。 贡献:很多练习都缺少解决方案,有些可以重写,如果您想填补其中的空白,请提出一个问题,我将为您提供提交的途径。
2022-05-18 23:03:46 92KB
linear algebra done right linear algebra done right
2022-03-04 11:49:01 3.07MB linear algebra done right
资源来自pypi官网。 资源全名:done_distributions-0.1.tar.gz
2022-01-11 09:07:30 3KB Python库
(美)阿克斯勒 线性代数应该这样学(第2版),1.12M.pdf
2021-11-22 11:12:15 1.12MB Linear Algebra Done Right