B. F. Skinner. Reflections on behaviorism and society. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1978, xii + 209 pp., [dollar]15.95 Book Reviews 459 The authors frequently cite Ross’ (1964) book on the exceptional child in the family. While the book is 15 years old, this reviewer still requires his students to read sections of it, for Ross gives important information on parents’ feelings which come up time and again in a conference. AS with any book, the reviewer sees things he might have do
2022-11-06 20:36:15 172KB 学术 论文
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Environment, heredity and intelligence. Cambridge: Harvard educational review, 1969, 245 pp., [dollar]4.95 196 BOOK NOTES AND REVIEWS BOOK BRIEFS Environment, Heredity and Intelligence. Cambridge : Harvard Educational Review, 1969, 245 pp., $4.95. As is well known, this paperback is a collection of articles that update the heredity-environment controversy. It presents Jensen’s lengthy article first (“HOW much can we boost I& and scholastic achievement?”), reaction articles second (Ka
2021-08-04 13:31:30 82KB 学术 论文
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