《Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Aplications》书中附带的源代码,虽然可以在网上找到,但是链接不是那么好找。费了一番功夫,找出来给大家共享。
The hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems.
Simulation is an important tool used by engineers to design and implement advanced communication systems that deliver optimal performance. This book is a hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. The authors take a systems-level approach, integrating digital communications, channel modeling, coding, elementary statistical estimation techniques, and other essential facets of modeling and simulation. This is the first book to present complete simulation models built with MATLAB that can serve as virtual laboratories for predicting the impact of system design changes. Coverage includes:
Role of simulation in communication systems engineering
Simulation approaches and methodologies
Signal and system representations, filter models, noise generation, Monte Carlo simulation, and postprocessing
Advanced techniques for modeling and simulating nonlinear and time-varying systems
Waveform level and discrete channel models
Performance estimation via Monte Carlo simulation
Semianalytic simulation techniques
Variance reduction techniques
Co-channel interference in wireless communication systems, and more
The authors also present detailed case studies covering phase-locked loops, CDMA systems, multichannel nonlinear systems, as well as a start-to-finish simulation of an advanced cellular radio system.
Prentice Hall Series in Communications Engineering & Emerging Technologies, Theodore S. Rappaport, Editor
Support File(s)
Prepared by: William H. Tranter
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Tech - Mail Code 0350
Blacksburg, VA 24061
email: btranter@vt.edu
Revision Dates: March, 20, 2004
June 14, 2004
The collection of folders contained herein provide the MATLAB source code for all progr