工具简介本工具针对清华大学 MEIC 源排放清单(0.25°Í0.25°,2016),实现了清单中各污染物排放量向 WRF-Chem 模式网格的插值和分配。工具
2022-11-26 20:41:34 3.06MB 软件/插件
在CentOS 7 中WRF-Chem 4.1.2 安装教程
2022-10-30 11:00:31 137KB WRF-Chem CentOS7
2022-10-30 09:02:24 657KB WRF-Chem WRF
利用大气化学完全耦合模式WRF-Chem 对天津市环境空气中特征污染物CO、NOx、O3、PM2.5 的时间变化规律和空间分布特征进 行了数值模拟研究,并与实际观测资料进行了对比.结果表明,天津市CO、NOx、O3、PM2.5 具有明显的时空变化特征:O3 浓度在中午出现最 高值,夜间浓度较低;NOx、O3、PM2.5 在晚上和清晨出现高浓度,午后至傍晚浓度较低.O3 在空间分布上表现为中午市区比郊区浓度高,夜间 郊区浓度高.其他污染物则均表现为市区浓度高于郊区.在当日东北风情况下,周边地区对天津市污染的影响较小,4 类污染物主要是受本地 源的影响.
2021-10-15 10:56:01 334KB WRF
The mission of the atmospheric chemistry working group is to guide the development of the capability to simulate chemistry and aerosols — online as well as offline — within the WRF model. The resulting WRF/Chem model will have the option to simulate the coupling between dynamics, radiation and chemistry. Uses include forecasting chemical-weather, testing air pollution abatement strategies, planning and forecasting for field campaigns, analyzing measurements from field campaigns and the assimilation of satellite and in-situ chemical measurements. this is the latest released version.
2021-08-02 15:41:30 45.52MB WRF WRF-CHEM
在CentOS6.5 系统中安装 WRF、WPS、WRF-Chem及相应的软件, 使用的是PGI编译器 CentOS 安装的时候,最好将所有的软件都装上
2021-03-30 09:31:37 19KB WRF安装 WPS安装 WRF-chem安装 mpich2安装