Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 VCSEL 垂直腔面发射激光器 Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are firmly established in the laser diode market for about 15 years meanwhile. It took about 17 years before these devices were commercialized. Multimode fiber optical networks with data rates in the 1 Gbit/s range were the initial market. In 2004, VCSELs were first incorporated in optical computer mice. Today, these two application areas approximately equally share a production volume of almost 100 million units per year. In future, high volumes can be expected also, e.g., for diverse sensing and illumination purposes, the latter using high-power laser arrays.
2023-03-18 21:35:16 15.81MB VCSEL
该文件包含以下研究论文的完整Matlab实现。 欢迎您探索并提出新的附加组件。 请找到出版物: https://rdcu.be/532w https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327510546_Modelling_and_analysis_of_polarization_noise_in_vertical_cavity_surface_mission_LASERs 引文: https://citation-needed.springer.com/v2/references/10.1007/s41939-018-0033-9?format=bibtex&flavor=citation https://citation-needed.springer.com/v2/references/10.1007/s41939-018-0033-9?for
2021-11-04 21:35:50 457B matlab
2021-09-18 09:38:21 478KB VCSEL
图是垂直腔面发射激光器的结构示意图。其有源区由多量子阱组成,有源区上、下两边分别由多层1/4波长厚的高、低折射率交替的外延材料形成DBR,出射光方向可以是顶部或衬底,这主要取决于衬底材料对所发出的激射光是否透明及上、下DBR究竟哪一个取值更大一些。   图 垂直腔面发射激光器结构示意图   由于垂直腔面发射激光器的这种独特结构,使得研制高性能的VCSEL的关键在于以下几点:   (1)由于VCSEL的腔长较短,只有数个等效波长的量级,因而其相邻模式的间距很大,一般为几十纳米。这要求材料的增益谱峰值波长、多层高反膜即DBR的高反射谱中心波长,以及谐振腔的谐振波长三者要完全符合设计长度。
VCSEL中的DBR反射镜需要对光场进行纵向的限制。而且由于谐振腔长度较短,故反射损耗比较大,因此反射率必须要很高,最好能超过99%。如图1所示,DBR反射镜由1/4个波长厚度的高反射率和低反射率的介质材料交替组成。将多个这样的交替结构排列起来,所构成反射器的反射率就可以达到99%。   图1 腔长为1个波长的量子阱VCSEL结构   图2是一个典型的红外波段F-P腔结构VCSEL的计算反射率示意图。在反射谱中波长为850 nm处有一个下跌,正好在反射镜的高反射带的中间处,与光腔的谐振波长相同。反射镜的反射率和高反射带与DBR中材料的折射率差成正比。   绝缘材料的DBR反射镜的优点
matlab仿真VCSEL的渐变DBR,可以手动输入DBR不同层的折射率以及渐变层厚度,实现反射谱计算,对于AlGaAs材料 可以通过输入组分以及对应波长即可计算折射率。
2021-07-05 18:43:28 1KB MATLAB VCSEL DBR AlGaAs
VCSELs Fundamentals Technology and Applications of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers 2013
2021-05-22 14:52:17 15.75MB 光通信 VCSEL 激光器
This paper reviews the progress on nano-aperture vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The design, fabrication, and polarization control of nano-aperture VCSELs are reviewed. With the nano-aperture evolving from conventional circular and square aperture to unique C-shaped, H-shaped, I-shaped, and bowtie-shaped aperture, both the near-field intensity and near-field beam confinement from nano-aperture VCSELs are significantly improved. As a high-intensity compact light source with sub-
2021-02-10 16:05:26 1.52MB 纳米孔径 垂直腔面 极化 近场
We have seen a lot of unique features off vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), such as low power consumption, wafer-level testing, small packaging capability, and so on. The market of VCSELs has been growing up rapidly in recent years and they are now the key devices in local area networks using multi-mode optical fibers. In addition, new functions on VCSELs have been demonstrated. In this paper, the recent advances of VCSEL photonics will be reviewed, which include the wavelength e
2021-02-10 16:05:25 2.29MB 纳米孔径 垂直腔面 极化 近场
2019-12-21 19:51:23 3KB 激光器