2022-07-04 09:08:06 129KB 技术资料
2021-08-30 15:43:04 3KB SPI8MFLASH
M25P20, M25P40, M25P80, M25P16, M25P32, M25P64 SPI FLASH C语言软件驱动源码 void InitSPIMaster(void) { /* P4SFS0 |= 0x70; P4SFS1 |= 0x70; // Setup P4[4..6] Port as SPI // P4.7 works in GPIO mode as the Slave Select signal SPICON1=0x00; //bit3:TEIE=0. SPI transmission end interrupt disable //bit2:RORIE=0. SPI receive overrun interrupt disable //bit1:TIE=0. SPI transmission interrupt disable //bit0:RIE=0 SPI reception interrupt disable SPICLKD=0x2C; //select frequency divider=0x2C SPICON0=0x72; //bit6:TE=1. SPI Transmitter enable //bit5:RE=1. SPI Receiver enable //bit4:SPIEN=1. SPI enable //bit3:SSEL=0. SPI Slave select output is disabled,use P4.7 as the Select Slave signal //bit2:FLSB=0. SPI Transfer the MSB first //bit1:SPO=1. SPI Sample data on the rising edge of the clock */ }
一个完整的工程,HAL库, STM32控制M25P80读写程序,轻松实现读写,STM32 keil工程,直接能编译,项目工程上用过的,绝对稳定可靠
2021-04-18 22:46:37 356KB STM32 M25P80 程序 工程