The purpose of this book is to provide a self-contained entry into Monte Carlo computational techniques. First and foremost, it must not be confused with a programming addendum to our earlier book Monte Carlo Statistical Meth- ods whose second edition came out in 2004. The current book has a dierent purpose, namely to make a general audience familiar with the programming aspects of Monte Carlo methodology through practical implementation. Not only have we introduced R at the core of this book, but the emphasis and contents have changed drastically from Monte Carlo Statistical Methods, even though the overall vision remains the same. Theoretical foundations are intentionally avoided in the current book.
2022-01-06 03:51:06 9.42MB R-Language Statistics
Stalistical lnference Cengage Learning; 2nd edition
2021-05-30 15:33:05 23.99MB Statistical statistic learni
统计推断 卡塞拉 Casella 机械工业出版社 答案
2021-04-06 14:07:08 2.08MB 统计推断 Casella 机械工业出版社