在IT领域,SAP是一种广泛使用的业务应用软件,它涵盖了企业资源规划(ERP)、商业智能(BI)等多个方面。本文将深入探讨SAP数据库、BW(Business Warehouse)以及BASIS相关的知识点,这些内容通常在专业培训中会被详细讲解。 让我们关注“SAP-配置权限和basis基础.ppt”。BASIS是SAP系统的基础架构部分,它负责系统的安装、配置、维护和安全管理。在这个主题中,你将学习到如何配置用户权限,这是确保数据安全和合规性的重要环节。SAP的授权概念基于角色,每个角色具有特定的操作权限。管理员需要创建并分配角色给不同的用户,确保他们在执行任务时只能访问必要的功能和数据。此外,还会涉及SAP NetWeaver的管理,包括系统监控、性能优化和问题排查。 接下来是“SAP-Basis数据库基础.ppt”。SAP支持多种数据库,如Oracle、IBM DB2、Microsoft SQL Server等。这个部分将详细讲解这些数据库与SAP的集成,以及如何进行数据库管理和优化。你将了解到如何进行数据库备份和恢复,处理性能瓶颈,以及执行数据库升级和补丁应用。数据库性能是决定SAP系统整体性能的关键因素,因此,这部分的学习对于解决系统响应慢等问题至关重要。 第三份文件“SAP-BW培训.pptx”聚焦于SAP的商业智能工具——BWBW用于收集、转换、存储和分析企业的数据,提供决策支持。在培训中,你将学习BW的数据模型设计,包括InfoObjects、InfoCubes和DTPs(Data Transfer Process)。同时,还会讲解如何使用BW的查询工具和报告功能,以及如何实施数据加载策略,以实现高效的数据处理和分析。 “SAP-Basis培训V1.1.pptx”可能涵盖更广泛的BASIS主题,可能包括系统升级、系统复制、网络配置、ABAP工作流等。这部分内容旨在帮助学员全面理解SAP系统的基础运维,提升他们解决问题的能力。 这些PPT资料将为你提供一个全面的SAP BASIS和BW知识框架,涵盖了从系统管理到数据分析的多个层面。通过深入学习,你将具备实施、优化和管理SAP环境的专业技能,这对于在企业IT部门或咨询公司从事SAP相关工作的人员来说是必不可少的。
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Scientists today collect samples of curves and other functional observations. This monograph presents many ideas and techniques for such data. Included are expressions in the functional domain of such classics as linear regression, principal components analysis, linear modelling, and canonical correlation analysis, as well as specifically functional techniques such as curve registration and principal differential analysis. Data arising in real applications are used throughout for both motivation and illustration, showing how functional approaches allow us to see new things, especially by exploiting the smoothness of the processes generating the data. The data sets exemplify the wide scope of functional data analysis; they are drwan from growth analysis, meterology, biomechanics, equine science, economics, and medicine.The book presents novel statistical technology while keeping the mathematical level widely accessible. It is designed to appeal to students, to applied data analysts, and to experienced researchers; it will have value both within statistics and across a broad spectrum of other fields. Much of the material is based on the authors' own work, some of which appears here for the first time.Jim Ramsay is Professor of Psychology at McGill University and is an international authority on many aspects of multivariate analysis. He draws on his collaboration with researchers in speech articulation, motor control, meteorology, psychology, and human physiology to illustrate his technical contributions to functional data analysis in a wide range of statistical and application journals.Bernard Silverman, author of the highly regarded "Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis," and coauthor of "Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach," is Professor of Statistics at Bristol University. His published work on smoothing methods and other aspects of applied, computational, and theoretical statistics has been recognized by the Presidents' Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, and the award of two Guy Medals by the Royal Statistical Society.
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