TrafficMonitor 1.84(x64)更新内容: 修正 Windows11 22H2 任务栏窗口位置不正确的问题。 修正 Windows11 下任务栏窗口显示重叠的问题。 新增 CPU 频率的显示。 更新 HardwareMonitor lib 无法获取 Intel 12 代处理器温度的问题。
365步数运动宝v4.1.84 全开源版本、100%正常运营 值得入手的好源码
2022-05-18 16:07:07 4.07MB 源码软件 微信小程序
UVPaint (Skinned Mesh Decal System) 1.84e 下载后为unitypackage 无需解压
2021-11-29 15:43:42 83.98MB UVPaint (Skinned
3D 建模,在游戏开发方面用的较多,为共享软件。
2021-09-21 16:28:07 5.27MB Milk Shape 1.84
做贴花的 unity UVPaint (skinned mesh Decal System) 1.84e Requires Unity 4.6.6 or higher. Runtime Texturing! UVPaint creates decals and immediately bakes them in needed ShaderProperty texture on 3D ob jects. It allows you to draw a variety of accessories and details into the 3D model at runtime without losing performance and video memory. Very easy and intuitive code. Features: Does not require Unity PRO! (Unity 5) Supports Android and IOS; Does not create additional meshes; More Options; Works with custom Shader; Decals support any alpha channels; Unlimited decals on every skinned mesh; The possibility for creating a wide range of necessary decals; Only bake texture based on unwraped UV (you can create tattoo, details, blood splatter, etc.); You can draw back to the original texture using the Eraser. With UVPaint you can easily give freedom to your imagination!
2021-08-03 18:05:49 83.97MB Unity 贴花 Decal
2021-07-14 09:36:16 7.99MB 方正阅读器
STM32C8T6 最小系统 内含PCB 原理图 BOM表 可直接发工厂板 有USB口 32.768k和8M晶振 复位按键 引出JLINK SWD下载口 引出 USART1 串口 引出所有引脚且大小非常小 仅1.84cm*5.2cm
2021-06-13 20:43:51 2.44MB C8T6 最小系统 STM32
2021-05-03 19:34:28 57KB nc命令