Seagull是一款IMS EPC等信令模拟器,通过脚本配置交互场景,做Diameter SIP H248等LTE协议的压力测试工具。
Seagull is a free, Open Source (GPL) multi-protocol traffic generator test tool. Primarily aimed at IMS (3GPP, TISPAN, CableLabs) protocols (and thus being the perfect complement to SIPp for IMS testing), Seagull is a powerful traffic generator for functional, load, endurance, stress and performance/benchmark tests for almost any kind of protocol.
In addition, its openness allows to add the support of a brand new protocol in less than 2 hours - with no programming knowledge. For that, Seagull comes with several protocol families embedded in the source code:
•Binary/TLV (Diameter, Radius and many 3GPP and IETF protocols)
•External library (TCAP, SCTP)
•Text (XCAP, HTTP, H248 ASCII)