Raize Components 6.2.3 支持Xe10.2.3 (包含源码) Konopka Signature VCL Controls Version 6.2.3 亲自测试安装完全可用在DELPHI 10.2、C++Builder 10.2 上。测试使用RAD版本delphicbuilder10.2.3__93231 [软件特色]   收集超过125种通用的VCL控件   可以让开发人员在设计系统的时候解决无法编程的数据   除了核心控制组,Raize组件包括超过100个组件   使用Raize组件来构建复杂的开发环境   Raize组件6的主要焦点是添加到的新VCL功能   64位VCL支持和真正新VCL样式   提供一组新的DCUs和包,对VCL进行了大量的低级更改   许多控件顺利地迁移到64位   Raize组件中的每个控件都受到新的VCL样式的影响
2024-06-06 12:02:03 17.79MB XE10.2 DELPHI C++BUILDE RAIZE
Enhance Your Delphi Application with Drop-in Shell Functionality •Includes 18 visual and non-visual components •Create Explorer-like applications within minutes with JamShellTree, the JamShellList and the JamShellCombo •Easy drop-in: Just drop the UI components right on your own forms or dialogs •Use checkboxes with JamShellTree, JamShellList, JamFileList and JamDriveList Icons and thumbnails are queried in background threads. This optimizes the reactivity and does not slow down the speed of the user interface. Look-and-Feel of the Windows Explorer •Windows Shell context menu (can be extended with a Delphi popmenu) •OLE drag-and-drop with the Windows Explorer and similar applications •Different view styles: The JamShellList and the JamFileList support small icons, large icons, extra large icons, details mode and thumbnails •Overlay icons supported •Installed Shell extensions, which are supported by the Windows Explorer, are also supported by the ShellBrowser Delphi Edition •TJamSystemShellView instances the right pane of the real Windows Explorer •Background context menu in the JamShelllist is supported How-to Guides •Comprehensive documentation of the included controls •Several sample projects for basic and advanced features of ShellBrowser Delphi Edition included Transparent Costs •The ShellBrowser Delphi Edition is royalty free and involves no runtime fees 100% Delphi Code•The controls are based on the Delphi VCL and are written in 100% Object Pascal code •No additional DLLs or ActiveX controls are necessary
2024-05-24 14:33:01 23.16MB
Vector AUTOSAR Components各个BSW模块。 1、BSWMD文件:存放arxm文件; 2、Documentation文件:存放关于BswM模块相关配置的说明文档pdf; 3、GeneratorMsr文件:BswM生成相关的工具文件*.jar; 4、Implementation文件:BswM模块的静态代码包括.c,.h; 5、Make文件:makefile编译BswM所支持的*mak文件。
2024-04-24 14:08:28 2.37MB Vector AUTOSAR
!!!详情见ReadMe.txt 1.DevExpressUniversalTrialComplete 为本版本初始发布安装包,内含所有组件。 2.DevExpressComponents 为控件安装包。后面带有版本号+序号的为Hotfix
2024-03-10 16:14:07 431.48MB DevExpress v19.2
O2S.Components.PDFView4NET 和 O2S.Components.PDFRender4NET
2024-03-05 16:17:52 1.18MB PDFView4NET PDFRender4NET
Raize Components 6.2.3 for Delphi7...XE10.2.3 Tokyo内附有安装说明,亲测可用
2024-01-18 09:18:56 8.77MB RaizeV6.2.3 (D7~ Raize Components
虚拟React vue-react是Vue.js的插件,它使您可以像使用Vue组件一样使用React组件。 安装 npm npm install vue-react --save 如果尚未安装,请安装react和react-dom软件包。 还安装babel插件。 npm install react react-dom babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx --save 将插件添加到您的.babelrc文件中: { " plugins " : [ " transform-react-jsx " ] } 用法 首先,导入并安装插件: import Vue
2023-11-02 21:46:46 1.7MB vuejs vue frontend react-components
Raize Components Full source 6.2.3 XE 10.3.3可用,安装时打开控件包出现提示忽略即可
2023-10-10 13:15:43 20.67MB Raize Components XE 10.3.3可用
Raize Components 包含了 90 个 Delphi 和 C++ Builder 的控件组,它的一些特点如:制定窗体框架、高级的编辑控件等都使开发者很容易的设计出灵活的、自己喜欢的样式的应用程序。
2023-09-20 12:25:23 46.03MB Raize 三方控件
Konopka Controls (Raize Components) v6.2.3 for Delphi 10.4 Sydney 源码
2023-04-11 11:42:14 20.92MB Raize Delphi