Visual C++ 编程资源大全(英文源码 ATL)

上传者: zhangxucool | 上传时间: 2021-12-23 12:06:10 | 文件大小: 7.48MB | 文件类型: -
1,ATLAux.zipA set of VC++ helpers and patterns to help automate some routine coding tasks.(35KB)2,CltnWizard.zipATL object wizard that creates a collection of other COM objects(37KB)3,gridctrlatl.zipA grid control for displaying tabular data, based on Chris Maunder's grid control(101KB)4,TempMonitor.zipA step by step tutorial on using ATL controls in MFC(47KB)5,SAWzip.zipAn ATL based control for reading and writing zip files(187KB)6,Property12.zipDescribes an ActiveX Control to use OLE Automation to set an object's properties.(222KB)7,AlxGrd.zipDescribes an ActiveX Control to use OLE Automation to set an object's properties.(215KB)8,ATLLog_demo.zipA simple logging utility to help debug your ATL applications(48KB)9,ATL_pp_wizard.zipA wizard that allows you to create an ATL Object Wizard Property Page(74KB)10,AtlSplitter.zipATL Splitter ActiveX control(94KB)11,Com_Atl.zipBeginner's Tutorial: COM/ATL Simple Project(19KB)12,ienum.zipA simplified method to enumerate a collection of objects.(137KB)13,ConExe_demo.zipAn article on ATL COM event connection point threading issues(72KB)14,RBDeskBand.zipAn ATL Object Wizard that creates an DeskBand COM Object implementation(149KB)15,instmsi.zipThis is an ATL Object Wizard that eases window development using CWindowImpl. It removes the redundant copy-n-paste of code between class implementations(1437KB)16,DrawingD.zipDrawing complex ATL/ActiveX controls at designtime(38KB)17,ATLDateLib.zipNon-MFC Date Routines in an ATL Component.(10KB)18,shellext.zipA wizard that allows you to create an ATL Property Page or Context Menu extensions(77KB)19,StructStg.zipA wrapper class for most common IStorage methods and API calls.(20KB)20,PropBrowser.zipAllows you to easily create property pages for ActiveX controls(59KB)21,Redirect.zipAn ATL-control for redirecting stdout/stdin(55KB)22,kPad.zipAn example of using the WTL library and RichEdit control(131KB)23,rsPrevFontcmb.zipA font combo box that previews the fonts in the dropdown view(30KB)24,ButtonMenu.zipUse WTL to create simple button that implements drop-down menu(19KB)25,DocViewWTL.zipA library that provides the easiest way to get loosely coupled components.(163KB)26,update_wtl.zipNotes on updating your WTL installation(2KB)27,sidebarmenu.zipAn article about changing the look of WTL icon menu(85KB)28,customdraw.zipHow to use WTL to create custom controls(20KB)29,WTLDocs1.zipBeginning Documentation on WTL(71KB)30,Toolbar.zipAn article on extending the tool bar control using the Window Template Library(64KB)31,propsheetddx.zipDemonstrates how to use DDX/DDV and tabbed property sheets with WTL(35KB)32,donut_demo.zipMDI and Tab WebBrowser(168KB)33,JCB.zipA Java Class Browser written in C++ using WTL(139KB)34,MenuBtn.zipUse of a Push button with a drop down menu(21KB)35,AutoATL.zipUsing ATL to Automate a MFC Application Or, Creating Hybrid MFC ATL COM Objects(41KB)36,atlcontain.zipUsing Containment In ATL - A Complete Application(202KB)37,atnt_src.zipSplitter window control(454KB)38,msform.exeActiveX script hosting - 2(123KB)39,axhost.exeActiveX script hosting(109KB)40,ATL_Script.zipImplementing Active Script Site with ATL(52KB)41,actvdbg.zipAdding Debug facilities to an Active Scripting Host(86KB)42,Gif89a.zipA Control for Displaying Animated GIF Images(221KB)43,proppagec.zipActiveX Control Property Page Container(40KB)44,qlistctrl.zipQListCtrl - a popup list box like that in Visual C++ 6.0(36KB)45,ncombo.zipAn Enhanced Combo Box Control.(194KB)46,XFloorWnd.zipFloor Window Control(341KB)47,propgrid.zipProperties Grid Control(239KB)48,dscdao.zipData Source ActiveX control for DAO(201KB)49,rnso.zipRNSO - A Remote Notifiers,Subjects and Observers Server over DCOM(197KB)50,multiarray.zipUsing a Multidimensional SAFEARRAY to pass data across from COM objects (50KB)51,safearray.zipPassing DYNAMIC Data QUICKLY using SafeArrays - 2(71KB)52,comcollec.zipCOM Collection Template Class(30KB)53,AXDocc.zipProgramming Active Document Containers(114KB)54,MBV_Demo.zipMBV Wizard and the COM Container Library(105KB55,WaveEdAt.zipA COM-based Automation Wave File Editor(124KB)56,bankaccount1.zipHandling Interdependent Objects in Automation An Example of a Bank Server Object(53KB)57,aspfile.zipAn ASP Component to Send Arbitary Large File from Server to Client(62KB)58,tlbrowser.zipWriting a simple Typelibrary browser(45KB)59,tiatut.zipBuilding a World Class Application with MFC and COM Automation(197KB)60,asyncpp.zipAsynchronous Pluggable Protocol(11KB)61,comarray.zipPassing arrays of structures in COM.(24KB)62,olefile.zipCOleFileManager - encapsulates the ugly details of implementing compound file support(4KB)63,VBCollecs.zipSimple STL Collections in ATL(14KB)64,hyperlinks.zipActiveX hyper linking(389KB)65,activex.zipActiveX Control Tutorial(89KB)66,atlexamp.zipLeveraging C++ Applications Using COM An Example Using ATL COM(52KB)67,docviewcom.zipLeveraging C++ Applications Using COM An Extension of the Document View Architecture(86KB)68,atlclienttut.zipATL Client Application Tutorial(51KB)69,wordauto.zipAutomation And Eventing With Microsoft Word(32KB)



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