上传者: yp2008gf
上传时间: 2022-05-24 10:59:44
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文件类型: PDF
This book focuses on the analysis and design of low-densityparity-check (LDPC) coded modulations, which are becoming part ofseveral current and future communication systems, such ashigh-throughput terrestrial and satellite wireless networks. Inthis book, a two-sided perspective on the design of LDPC codedsystems is proposed, encompassing both code/modulation optimization(transmitter side) and detection algorithm design (receiver side).After introducing key concepts on error control coding, inparticular LDPC coding, and detection techniques, the book presentsseveral relevant applications. More precisely, by using advancedperformance evaluation techniques, such as extrinsic informationtransfer charts, the optimization of coded modulation schemes areconsidered for (i) memoryless channels, (ii) dispersive and partialresponse channels, and (iii) concatenated systems includingdifferential encoding. This book is designed to be used by graduatestudents working in the field of communication theory, withparticular emphasis on LDPC coded communication schemes, andindustry experts working on related fields.