
上传者: yibazhangpaisi | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 22:11:04 | 文件大小: 2.32MB | 文件类型: zip
MSR Identity Toolbox: A Matlab Toolbox for Speaker Recognition Research Version 1.0 Seyed Omid Sadjadi, Malcolm Slaney, and Larry Heck Microsoft Research, Conversational Systems Research Center (CSRC) s.omid.sadjadi@gmail.com, {mslaney,larry.heck}@microsoft.com This report serves as a user manual for the tools available in the Microsoft Research (MSR) Identity Toolbox. This toolbox contains a collection of Matlab tools and routines that can be used for research and development in speaker recognition. It provides researchers with a test bed for developing new front-end and back-end techniques, allowing replicable evaluation of new advancements. It will also help newcomers in the field by lowering the “barrier to entry”, enabling them to quickly build baseline systems for their experiments. Although the focus of this toolbox is on speaker recognition, it can also be used for other speech related applications such as language, dialect and accent identification. In recent years, the design of robust and effective speaker recognition algorithms has attracted significant research effort from academic and commercial institutions. Speaker recognition has evolved substantially over the past 40 years; from discrete vector quantization (VQ) based systems to adapted Gaussian mixture model (GMM) solutions, and more recently to factor analysis based Eigenvoice (i-vector) frameworks. The Identity Toolbox provides tools that implement both the conventional GMM-UBM and state-of-the-art i-vector based speaker recognition strategies. A speaker recognition system includes two primary components: a front-end and a back-end. The front-end transforms acoustic waveforms into more compact and less redundant representations called acoustic features. Cepstral features are most often used for speaker recognition. It is practical to only retain the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions of the waveform, therefore there is also a need for a speech activity detector (SAD) in the fr



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