09年新书,感知无线电 网络中的频谱接入和管理Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management in Cognitive Radio Networks

上传者: xuading | 上传时间: 2021-06-23 09:51:16 | 文件大小: 3.07MB | 文件类型: PDF
09年新书,很好的知无线电 网络中的频谱接入和管理,下面是IEEE的书评: The book is divided into three parts. Part one is a general introduction to wire- less communication systems, reviewing communication architectures and tech- nologies, as well as resource allocation protocols and dynamic spectrum access, discussing features, research challenges, and standardization. Part two is a further discussion on wireless system design with a focus on analysis of dynamic spectrum access systems. A brief introduction to signal processing and optimization tech- niques is presented, as well as basics of game theory and intelligent algorithms (e.g., machine learning, genetic algo- rithms, and fuzzy logic). Finally, part three discusses in detail dynamic spec- trum access and management. Models and architectures of dynamic spectrum access are introduced and described in detail. The authors first present the cen- tralized dynamic spectrum access model, and later focus on the distributed approach. Distributed dynamic spectrum access is discussed from the algorithmic and protocol perspectives in separate chapters. Finally, a spectrum trading model is presented with its applications to wireless communications. This book is a valuable source of information for people new to the con- cept of dynamic spectrum access. Also, scientists and engineers already involved in dynamic spectrum access research will find this book a good reference source. This is one of the few books on the mar- ket related to dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio written completely by the authors themselves. Therefore, it is very cohesive, has a very good flow, and does not repeat itself while intro- ducing new concepts, as do many edited books on a similar topic available on the market. Many concepts of dynamic spec- trum access are well systematized in the book, and the literature review is very broad and complete. One small draw- back is a bit too lengthy introduction to wireless communication systems in part two of the book (which can e



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