mac声卡驱动,cirrus logic解决windows xp,windows7的mac各种型号的声卡驱动和麦克风问题。

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含clhdaud.inf,clhdaud.sys,clhdaud_nospdif.sys等文件,很牛B,各种mac pro的windows都能用。已测试! This modified Windows XP driver is for the MacBook Pro's (MC118LL/A) Cirrus Logic CS4206 audio device, addressing the output volume issues as described in -- Summary of Changes -- This driver is a modification of clhdaud.sys version * Enables the third (midrange) speaker in the MacBook Pro. * Removes the -16dB volume limit on the speakers, and applies it to the headphone output instead. * The "No S/PDIF" variant disables S/PDIF optical output. -- Installation -- There are two variants of the driver: * Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio [MacBook] * Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio [MacBook, No S/PDIF Out] Both versions enable the midrange speaker and corrects the volume. The "No S/PDIF" version also disables the S/PDIF optical output. Installation of the modified driver follows standard procedure: In Device Manager, Update Driver for the Cirrus Logic High Definition Audio device, then manually choose to install the driver. This driver is not signed, as it is a modification of a signed driver. Fixes for Macbook Pro MC118LL/A by Henry Wong




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