Computational Interaction

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Computational Interaction ISBN-10 书号: 0198799616 ISBN-13 书号: 9780198799610 出版日期: 2018-04-08 pages 页数: (432) Edited by ANTTI OULASVIRTA Associate Professor Aalto University PER OLA KRISTENSSON University Reader in Interactive Systems Engineering University of Cambridge XIAOJUN BI Assistant Professor Stony Brook University ANDREW HOWES Professor and Head of School at the School of Computer Science University of Birmingham This book presents computational interaction as an approach to explaining and enhancing the interaction between humans and information technology. Computational interaction applies abstraction, automation, and analysis to inform our understanding of the structure of interaction and also to inform the design of the software that drives new and exciting human-computer interfaces. The methods of computational interaction allow, for example, designers to identify user interfaces that are optimal against some objective criteria. They also allow software engineers to build interactive systems that adapt their behaviour to better suit individual capacities and preferences. Embedded in an iterative design process, computational interaction has the potential to complement human strengths and provide methods for generating inspiring and elegant designs. Computational interaction does not exclude the messy and complicated behaviour of humans, rather it embraces it by, for example, using models that are sensitive to uncertainty and that capture subtle variations between individual users. It also promotes the idea that there are many aspects of interaction that can be augmented by algorithms. This book introduces computational interaction design to the reader by exploring a wide range of computational interaction techniques, strategies and methods. It explains how techniques such as optimisation, economic modelling, machine learning, control theory, formal methods, cognitive models and statistical language processing can be used to model interaction and design m




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