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资源池的概念及优势 集合不同的硬件资源形成统一的逻辑资源池 客户影响 服务器故障意味着可用资源的减少而不是应用的故障 每个业务部门使用专用(虚拟)的架构; IT部门仍然集中控制着所有的硬件资源 可以将虚拟机和资源的管理授权给业务部门 作为一个整体来管理整个SOA应用层 服务器, 存储设备, 网络 业务部门 聚合资源 资源池 2 CPU 36GHz, Mem 58GB 优先级:高 资源池 3 CPU 12GHz, Mem 22GB 优先级:低 CPU 48 GHz, Mem 80GB 部门A 部门 B Resource pools - a new capability in VMware Infrastructure 3 – allow you to organize your IT environment around your business, not your hardware. Resource pool is a collection of hardware resources including processor, memory, disk and networking that is aggregated by VMware Infrastructure into a Abstraction of resources from hardware. Manage resources independently of the physical servers that contribute the resources. Flexible hierarchical organization. Organize resource pools hierarchically to match available IT resources to the business organization: individual business units can receive dedicated infrastructure while still profiting from the efficiency of resource pooling. Resource pools ensure that resource utilization is maximized while business units retain control and autonomy of their infrastructure. Resource pools can be flexibly added, removed, or reorganized as business needs or organization change. Isolation between resource pools. Make allocation changes within a resource pool without impacting other unrelated resource pools. For example, any allocation changes in the resource pool dedicated to a given business unit do not impact other resource pools Management of sets of virtual machines running a distributed application. Optimize the service level of distributed applications by controlling the aggregate allocation of resources for the entire set of virtual machines running the distributed application. *




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