
上传者: 41863029 | 上传时间: 2021-03-23 16:11:33 | 文件大小: 36.34MB | 文件类型: RAR
Delphi 组件,方便获取硬件、系统信息,MiTeC System Information Component Suite + TMiTeC_AD: Active Directory enumerations + TMiTeC_APM: provides informaton about Advanced Power Management + TMiTeC_BT: detects Bluetooth devices using Native Bluetooth Enumerator) + TMiTeC_CPU: provides detailed CPU information + TMiTeC_DeviceMonitor: It fires event whenever any usb, firewire etc. device or volume is connected or disconnected to machine. + TMiTeC_Devices: provides devices information like Windows Device Manager + TMiTeC_Disk: provides logical drive information + TMiTeC_DiskMonitor: It watches specified drive or path and fires event when specified event occurs + TMiTeC_Display: provides display adapter information + TMiTeC_DMA: provides direct memory acceess + TMiTeC_DriveContent: It scans and saves specified drive content + TMiTeC_Engines: provides information about various installed engines + TMiTeC_EventLog: retrieves Windows Event Log messages for given source + TMiTeC_Firewall: enumerates settings and rules from Windows Firewall + TMiTeC_Machine: provides informaton about computer or virtual machine, BIOS etc. + TMiTeC_Media: provides media devices information + TMiTeC_Memory: provides memory information + TMiTeC_Monitor: provides all connected moitors information + TMiTeC_MSProduct: It detects some Microsoft products installed and their product keys + TMiTeC_Network: provides network card info, TCP/IP ad Winsock config, installed protocols, clients and services. + TMiTeC_NetCreds: enumerates cached network credentials + TMiTeC_OperatingSystem: provides OS detailed information, Locale, Timezone, NT specific info, hotfixes, internet settings etc. + TMiTeC_Printers: detects installed printers and their properties + TMiTeC_ProcessList: collects list of running processes, services, drivers and their properties + TMiTeC_Security: detects installed AntiViruses, AntiSpyware and Firewalls



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