英文原版-5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry 2017 9th Edition

上传者: 38744270 | 上传时间: 2021-08-08 11:24:00 | 文件大小: 9MB | 文件类型: -
Get ready for your AP Chemistry exam with this straightforward, easy-to-follow study guide--updated to match the latest test changesThe wildly popular test prep guide? updated and enhanced for smartphone users?5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 provides a proven strategy to achieving high scores on this demanding Advanced Placement exam.This logical and easy-to-follow instructional guide introduces an effective 5-step study plan to help students build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence they need to reach their full potential.  One of the most demanding AP tests, the Chemistry exam includes multiple-choice questions, experiment-based questions, and free-response questions that require students to supply original worked-out solutions. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 helps students master all question types and offers comprehensive answer explanations and sample responses. Written by two Chemistry professors, this insider’s guide reflects the latest course syllabus and includes 2 full-length practice exams that match the latest version of the exam.The 5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 effective 5-step plan breaks down test preparation into stages: 1. Set Up Your Study Program 2. Determine Your Test Readiness 3. Develop Strategies for Success 4. Develop the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence.,解压密码 share.weimo.info




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