英文原版-Digital Design Essentials 100 Ways To Design Better Desktop Web And Mobile Interfaces 1st Edition

上传者: 38743968 | 上传时间: 2021-10-18 16:58:58 | 文件大小: 23.68MB | 文件类型: -
The author breaks down design patterns into bite sized chunks that are easy to understand and easily digestible (no filler/jargon). This book has been passed around to many of my UX colleagues with the common feedback string being "this guy gets it - he's put as much thought into the context (pattern, rules) as he has to to the content (detail, result)".Truly a great tool.Digital Design Essentials takes a practical, highly accessible approach to creating graphical user interface designs for desktop, mobile, and touch screen devices. Written by an expert in the realm of digital design, this comprehensive, step-by-step guide demonstrates how to apply design principles in a variety of desktops, web pages, mobile devices and other touchscreens. Filled with straightforward strategies in a visual format, it's an essential volume for any designer working in the digital realm.,解压密码 share.weimo.info




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