Learning generative adversarial networks : next-generation deep learning

上传者: wang1062807258 | 上传时间: 2021-09-30 20:59:57 | 文件大小: 10.73MB | 文件类型: -
Chapter 1, Introduction to Deep Learning, speaks all about refreshing general concepts and terminology associated with deep learning in a simple way without too much math and equations. Also, it will show how deep learning network has evolved throughout the years and how they are making an inroad in the unsupervised domain with the emergence of generative models. Chapter 2, Unsupervised Learning with GAN, shows how Generative Adversarial Networks work and speaks about the building blocks of GANs. It will show how deep learning networks can be used on semi-supervised domains, and how you can apply them to image generation and creativity. GANs are hard to train. This chapter looks at some techniques to improve the training/learning process. Chapter 3, Transfer Image Style Across Various Domains, speaks about being very creative with simple but powerful CGAN and CycleGAN models. It explains the use of Conditional GAN to create images based on certain characteristics or conditions. This chapter also discusses how to overcome model collapse problems by stabilizing your network training using BEGAN. And finally, it covers transferring styles across different domains (apple to orange; horse to zebra) using CycleGAN. Chapter 4, Building Realistic Images from Your Text, presents the latest approach of stacking Generative Adversarial Networks into multiple stages to decompose the problem of text to image synthesis into two more manageable subproblems with StackGAN. The chapter also shows how DiscoGAN successfully transfers styles across multiple domains to generate output images of handbags from the given input of shoe images or to perform gender transformations of celebrity images. Chapter 5, Using Various Generative Models to Generate Images, introduces the concept of a pretrained model and discusses techniques for running deep learning and generative models over large distributed systems using Apache Spark. We will then enhance the resolution of low quality images using pr




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