ARTA Audio Measurement And Analysis

上传者: ulgsm4u | 上传时间: 2022-02-19 19:40:11 | 文件大小: 6.31MB | 文件类型: -
解压密码 123456 因注册鸡会引起误报, 只共享了注册玛, 够用了. The ARTA software consists of following programs: ARTA - program for the impulse response measurement and for real-time spectrum analysis and frequency response measurements. STEPS - program for frequency response measurements with stepped-sine excitation. LIMP - program for the loudspeaker impedance measurement and loudspeaker parameters estimation. The ARTA program has functions of following measurement systems: Impulse response measurement system with signal generators: periodic white noise, periodic pink noise, MLS, linear and logarithmic swept-sine. Dual channel Fourier analyzer with signal generators: white noise, pink noise, periodic white noise and periodic pink noise. Single channel Fourier analyzer with signal generators: periodic white noise and periodic pink noise. Spectrum, octave band and THD analyzer with signal generators: sine, two sine, multitone, periodic square and triangle, white noise, pink noise, periodic white noise and periodic pink noise. Triggered storage scope with spectrum and short-time Fourier analysis. Two-channel voltage level meter and third octave analyzer With calibrated microphone, ARTA can be used as a virtual IEC class 1 SPL meter with a real time modes: Integrating SPL meter with 24 hours data logging, Octave SPL meter with noise rating (NR, NC, PNC, RC, NCB), Third octave SPL meter with report of specific loudness, loudness in sones and loudness level in phones. The ARTA program is also a powerful analyzer of: Gated frequency response, Smoothed frequency response (in 1/n-octave bands), Step response, Impulse response envelope (ETC – curve), Cumulative spectral decay waterfall graphs and sonogram, Burst decay waterfall graphs and sonogram, Energy decay in reverberant environments, Room acoustical parameters, Directivity patterns, Speech intelligibility measures: MTF, STI, RASTI, %AL. The STEPS program enables the measurement of the frequency response with a high dynamic range and a high noise immunity. Simultaneously with a frequency response measurement the STEPS estimates levels of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and higher order harmonic distortions.



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