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学习Petri Net必备资料 After simulation ends, the global performance indices described in the Scope section are stored by the PN Toolbox and can be visualized by using the Performance menu. Besides these, there are also a number of global indices for which the current values are not defined. The following two tables present the complete lists of global indices associated with the places (displayed by the Place Indices command) and the transitions (displayed by the Transition Indices command), respectively: - for a transition: • Service Sum: total number of firings; • Service Distance: average value of the current index Service Distance; • Service Rate: average frequency of firings (inverse of Service Distance); • Service Time: average value of the current index Service Time; • Utilization: average value of the current index Utilization; - for a place: • Arrival Sum: total number of arrived tokens; • Arrival Distance: average value of the current index Arrival Distance; • Arrival Rate: average frequency of token-arrivals (inverse of Arrival Distance); • Throughput Sum: total number of departed tokens; • Throughput Distance: average value of the current index Throughput Distance; • Throughput Rate: average frequency of token-departures (inverse of Throughput




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