上传者: u012753830
上传时间: 2021-08-29 10:36:34
文件大小: 461KB
文件类型: BZ2
On this site you will find official information concerning the open source library libnfc for Near Field Communication (NFC) and other projects using this library. Since the RFID/NFC market is spoiled by proprietary hard and software we want to contribute constructively by distributing a free library and free tools which can be used for various RFID and NFC applications.
This website mainly focuses itself on researchers and developers willing to work with NFC hardware but without the pain of programming NFC software on a very low level. Libnfc does not require any license fee or non-disclosure agreement to be signed for. We hope to move NFC development to a more open culture where discussions about applications and techniques can be shared among the users.