Wireshark Network Analysis

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Network Analysis is the process of listening to and analyzing network traffic. Network analysis offers an insight into network communications to identify performance problems, locate security breaches, analyze application behavior, and perform capacity planning. Wireshark(r), formerly Ethereal, is the world's most popular network analyzer and offers an open source solution for IT professionals. TIPS: Learn insider tips to spot performance issues fast - no more finger pointing! CASE STUDIES: From "Death by Database" to "Troubleshooting Time Syncing," 45 case studies offer insight into real world performance and security situations solved with Wireshark. CERTIFICATION PREP: Each chapter includes exam objectives, review questions and answers to prepare you for the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst(tm) Exam. [image1] Learn how to create graphs that expose the cause of poor performance such as packet loss, high latency, low packet sizes, slow clients, overloaded receivers and more! [image2] Use coloring rules and the Expert Info Composite to highlight suspect traffic and avoid the "needle in a haystack" feeling when analyzing traffic. [image3] Learn insider tips and techniques to troubleshoot and secure a network more efficiently and accurately. About the Author: Laura Chappell is the founder of Wireshark University(tm) and Chappell University(tm). Ms. Chappell is also the author of the Wireshark University instructor-led training courses and the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst(tm) Exam. As a highly successful and sought after network analyst and speaker, her goal is to make network analysis an understood "first responder" tool to save time, money and aggravation. Ms. Chappell offers hundreds of online and onsite courses every year through Chappell University. For more information, email info@chappellu.com. File in Computing Section with Networking/Security/Certification.



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