
上传者: totoli | 上传时间: 2021-03-02 14:07:53 | 文件大小: 44.3MB | 文件类型: EXE
Version V6.60d (2020-01-09)
DLL (Windows): After a dialog from the DLL was closed, the original window did not regain keyboard focus. Fixed.
DLL: Added flash programming support for Toshiba TMPM3HLFDUG, TMPM3HLFYUG, TMPM3HLFZUG.
DLL: Linux: If a file was specified to be opened exclusively (e.g. SEGGER registry), this did not work correctly, so a 2nd process could modify the file at the same time. Fixed.
DLL: Naming for Toshiba TMPM4G9F15FG, fixed.
DLL: RISC-V: JALR rd, rs1, SImm instruction was simulated incorrectly if rd == rs1. Fixed.
DLL: Reduced number of alloc calls when evaluating JLinkDevices.xml by factor 14,000 which results in a speed improvement of 10-20% during XML parse.
DLL: Target RAM address was not correct for the MKL27Z32xxx4 devices. Fixed.
DLL: The RWW section of ATSAMC2x/ATSAMD2x devices was not erased before programming. Fixed.
Flasher Firmware: Erase was not handled correctly for flash banks supporting automatic erase. Fixed.
J-Flash Lite: The log was missing linebreaks in some cases. Fixed.
J-Flash SPI CL: Under some circumstances, downloading a file led to an endless loop. Fixed.
J-Flash SPI: Under special circumstances (compare enabled and data in flash == data to be programmed), flash programming failed. Fixed.
J-Flash: When passing the -exit parameter, a success messagebox could appear and keep J-Flash from self-exiting. Introduced with V6.60. Fixed.
Remote Server (Windows): Starting a second instance of the J-Link Remote Server did not work correctly. Introduced with V6.60. Fixed.




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