McGraw-Hill,.The Six Sigma Handbook - The Complete Guide for Greenbelts, Blackbelts, and Managers at All Levels, 2nd Edition.[2003.ISBN0071410155].pdf

上传者: tml3300 | 上传时间: 2021-07-16 23:50:05 | 文件大小: 12.99MB | 文件类型: PDF
The management information and statistical tools you need to successfully implement Six Sigma   Six Sigma has helped organizations of all types and sizes improve the quality of processes and products while simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction and saving billions of dollars. The Six Sigma Handbook covers the management systems and statistical tools that are the foundation for this revolutionary new approach to management.    Thomas Pyzdek offers expert, proven advice on using Six Sigma to retain customers and enhance bottom line performance while cutting costs dramatically. He explains exactly how to make Six Sigma work, including organizing for Six Sigma, the various levels of technical proficiency required, criteria for selecting personnel for training, using customer requirements to drive strategy and operations, successful project management, and much more.   For the manager or quality professional charged with implementing or supporting Six Sigma--no matter the industry--this timely guide will help any organization achieve the goal of becoming a truly world-class operation. Topics include:   * How to organize for Six Sigma   * How to use DMAIC to dramatically improve existing products and processes   * How to use Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Lean to create new, world-class products and processes   * Complete coverage of all major problem-solving and statistical tools and techniques, from basic to advanced tools such as DOE and logistic regression   * How to use MINITABTM and Microsoft Excel® to perform statistical analyses   * How to avoid common traps and pitfalls during implementation   The Six Sigma management system is helping numerous companies improve the quality of their products and processes. The Six Sigma Handbook is the comprehensive reference guide you need to successfully implement Six Sigma. It describes the statistical tools and problem-solving techniques that comprise Six Sigma, explaining how to use them effectively throughout your



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  • iceberg119 :


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