
上传者: tebox | 上传时间: 2022-03-25 16:46:17 | 文件大小: 12.41MB | 文件类型: -
TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and the TMS Components for IntraWeb allow an unprecedented RAD way of web application development with Delphi, making web development as easy as dropping components on a form. Message dialog Modal dialog control Async events Async updates Input capabilities Highly customisable Treeview Async events Async updates Nodes with checkboxes Nodes with radiobuttons Link, hint, color, images per node Smooth controls TTIWSmoothTimeLine: timeline component TTIWSmoothGauge: gauge component TTIWSmoothLEDLabel: LED label component TTIWSmoothLabel: label with gradient/texture fill Labels TTIWDateLabel: label showing todays date TTIWPopupMenuLabel: label with attached popup menu TTIWGradientLabel: label with gradient background TTIWCalculatingLabel component: client-side calculating label TTIWNoSpamEmail component : email hyperlink that cannot be traced by spambots Menus TTIWStaticMenu: static menu with hover effect TTIWMainMenu, TTIWSideMenu: dropdown menu controls TTIWPopupMenuButton: button with attached popup menu TTIWDocumentPopup: right-click popup menu for document Edit controls TTIWAdvEdit, TTIWDBAdvEdit: advanced edit control TTIWAdvLUEdit, TTIWDBAdvLUEdit: advanced lookup edit control TTIWEMailEdit: edit control with regular expression validation for email TTIWAdvSpinEdit, TTIWDBAdvSpinEdit: data-aware and not data-aware spin edit controls TTIWAdvTimeEdit, TTIWDBAdvTimeEdit: edit component specific for entering time values TTIWAdvDateEdit, TTIWDBAdvDateEdit: edit component specific for entering date values TTIWCCNumEdit: credit card number edit control with client side basic validation TTIWCCExpEdit: credit card expiry date edit control with client side basic validation TTIWFilePicker: edit control with attached file picker button TTIWPersistentEdit: edit control with cookie persistency TTIWEditLinkLink: client side edit to listbox link TTIWTextAreaLimiter component : multi-line textbox with full client-side length limitation and display




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