
上传者: seeingrain | 上传时间: 2022-04-02 17:47:14 | 文件大小: 4KB | 文件类型: -
Author: Richard Zhang. Mail: 89205975@qq.com This library filters sensitive phrases by user's configuration. Currently, only support UTF8 & ANSI encoded strings. The matching rule is max-length-matching, the library tries to match sensitive phrase as long as possible. For example: "damn fucker" and "damn" are all in sensitive dictionary, the sentence "he's a damn fucker" will be processed to "he's a ***********". Even user insert some spaces or non-letter characters between sensitive words, the library is also able to deal with it. For example: "Bad boy" is added to sensitive dictionary, "Bad.boy", "Bad boy", "Bad/boy" can also be filtered. "你去死" is added to sensitive dictionary, "你 去 死", "你/去 死", "你 去 .死" can also be filtered. Compiling requirement: 1. STL C++11 2. BOOST multi_index_container Performance test condition: 1. Giving a sentence around 100 bytes (English & Chinese mixed) 2. Dirty phrases around 10,000 3. Do 1,000 loop test 4. Intel I7 CPU Test result: For each loop, it cost around 100us




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