
上传者: sangjeedondrub | 上传时间: 2021-10-04 23:46:53 | 文件大小: 19.04MB | 文件类型: -
xda 关于修改和制作ROM的详细教程 The XDADevelopers (XDA) website was opened in 2003. Nine years may not seem like that long ago, but Facebook wasn't even a thing then. The iPhone and the first Android handset weren't released until 2007. So, in Internet time, XDA is old. In smartphone time, we're ancient. xda-developers. com is a strange URL-not as imaginative, short or catchy as most high- traffic sites. There's a simple reason for this: the site wasn't created for you. We never envisioned a smartphone revolution-or ifwe did, we never envisioned that millions would care so much about what was happening onour little developer-focused forum. XDA was created for developers and it is still a site for developers. They are incredibly smart, generally selfless, and hard-working individuals who share their creations (for free) with the world. When they see a book like this, they get concerned that their site will be overrun (more than it already is) by "newbs" with annoying questions and demands. They see the title ofthis book-withthatoverused "H"-word-and roll their eyes. So, why did XDA lend its name to this guide? Honestly? It's because we can't stop you all from coming and we'd rather yoube a bit better educated whenyou arrive. People spend more time touching their phones than their spouses and many ofthose people want their phones to be completely customizable (even as their spouses are generally not). They want to remove restrictions placed on the devices by carriers and OEMs and make the phone theirs. This book was written by a member ofXDA. His goal was to share his enthusiasm about what he found onthe site and across the Internet about the customizability ofthe Android operating system, to get youjust as excited, and to show you the tools you need to put that excitement into action. As with most tech-related books, much ofthe text herein is outdated by the time it hits the shelves. But that's OK. Even ifthe content is slightly stale, even ifyou don't have any ofthe devices lis




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