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2023-08-22 12:46:32 50.92MB O2 XDA FLAME
XDA Keycap 3D模型 这些是XDA配置文件键帽的3d模型。 我从头开始制作它们,以用于键帽集的渲染。 根据MIT许可证,您可以将它们用于任何所需的对象。 它们不适用于3D打印,我无法验证它们是否可以正常工作。 测量是根据我的XDA Canvas键帽进行的。 它们是UV贴图的,因此您可以在顶部使用一些噪声以获得逼真的PBT颗粒效果。 如何将图例添加到键帽 首先是,我使用3DS Max 2017,所以,在您的软件上可能有所不同。 通常,大多数3D建模程序的过程应相同。 从我们空白的键帽开始。 我们添加所需的文本,调整大小,缩放比例并将其放置在键帽上。 在3DS中,将max文本作为样条线添加,因此我们需要将其转换为多边形并拉伸形状。 在Max中执行此操作的一种简单方法是使用对称修改器。 然后,我们需要确保3D形状与键帽顶部相交。 复制最上面的部分(这使一切变得容易得多
2021-12-08 19:48:13 2.66MB
XDA上用来解决Nexus 6p 循环重启故障的补丁。使用前请先刷官方7.1.2(N2G48B) ROM
2021-11-25 15:45:25 12.09MB 循环重启 nexus 6p boo
软件简介: 您的GPS输出启用Android手机的位置几乎所有的蓝牙设备 变换你的GPS功能的Android手机成一个全功能的蓝牙GPS NMEA SPP Slave后,你的笔记本电脑/蓝牙或其他蓝牙设备 原版试用10分钟断开,现修改为6小时
2021-10-28 21:57:50 57KB Android GPS iPad
xda 关于修改和制作ROM的详细教程 The XDADevelopers (XDA) website was opened in 2003. Nine years may not seem like that long ago, but Facebook wasn't even a thing then. The iPhone and the first Android handset weren't released until 2007. So, in Internet time, XDA is old. In smartphone time, we're ancient. xda-developers. com is a strange URL-not as imaginative, short or catchy as most high- traffic sites. There's a simple reason for this: the site wasn't created for you. We never envisioned a smartphone revolution-or ifwe did, we never envisioned that millions would care so much about what was happening onour little developer-focused forum. XDA was created for developers and it is still a site for developers. They are incredibly smart, generally selfless, and hard-working individuals who share their creations (for free) with the world. When they see a book like this, they get concerned that their site will be overrun (more than it already is) by "newbs" with annoying questions and demands. They see the title ofthis book-withthatoverused "H"-word-and roll their eyes. So, why did XDA lend its name to this guide? Honestly? It's because we can't stop you all from coming and we'd rather yoube a bit better educated whenyou arrive. People spend more time touching their phones than their spouses and many ofthose people want their phones to be completely customizable (even as their spouses are generally not). They want to remove restrictions placed on the devices by carriers and OEMs and make the phone theirs. This book was written by a member ofXDA. His goal was to share his enthusiasm about what he found onthe site and across the Internet about the customizability ofthe Android operating system, to get youjust as excited, and to show you the tools you need to put that excitement into action. As with most tech-related books, much ofthe text herein is outdated by the time it hits the shelves. But that's OK. Even ifthe content is slightly stale, even ifyou don't have any ofthe devices lis
2021-10-04 23:46:53 19.04MB xda ROM 制作 修改
XDA-One XDA One 是使用 Android Studio IDE 开发的。 可以使用 XDA-One:assembleSimpleDebug gradle 任务编译一个简单的调试版本。 合作 XDA One 将采用“Fork & Pull”协作模式。 鼓励合作者分叉项目并提交拉取请求以供 XDA 审查,以便集成回主版本。 贡献者/作者 Lalit Maganti (tilal6991) - 合著者 andriyKan -(早期)合著者 翻译员 日语:blackzigong 斯洛伐克语:Dávid Kentoš
2021-07-06 12:05:22 25.01MB Java
很不错的android刷机包和APK签名工具哦! 支持单独APK签名
2019-12-21 21:24:57 10KB android签名