NIST SP800-171.pdf

上传者: samsho2 | 上传时间: 2021-07-19 11:57:49 | 文件大小: 807KB | 文件类型: PDF
oday, more than at any time in history, the federal government is relying on external service providers to help carry out a wide range of federal missions and business functions using state-of-the-practice information systems. Many federal contractors, for example, routinely process, store, and transmit sensitive federal information in their information systems1 to support the delivery of essential products and services to federal agencies (e.g., providing credit card and other financial services; providing Web and electronic mail services; conducting background investigations for security clearances; processing healthcare data; providing cloud services; and developing communications, satellite, and weapons systems). Additionally, federal information is frequently provided to or shared with entities such as State and local governments, colleges and universities, and independent research organizations. The protection of sensitive federal information while residing in nonfederal information systems2 and organizations is of paramount importance to federal agencies and can directly impact the ability of the federal government to successfully carry out its designated missions and business operations, including those missions and functions related to the critical infrastructure.
The protection of unclassified federal information in nonfederal information systems and organizations is dependent on the federal government providing a disciplined and structured process for identifying the different types of information that are routinely used by federal agencies. On November 4, 2010, the President signed Executive Order 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information.3 The Executive Order established a governmentwide Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)4 Program to standardize the way the executive branch handles unclassified information that requires protection and designated the National Archives and Rec




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