PLX PCI卡 linux驱动

上传者: rrzzzz | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 21:00:57 | 文件大小: 3.62MB | 文件类型: zip
PCI8系列 PCI9系列 PCI9054 linux驱动程序 PLX SDK Samples ================================================================ ABOUT This document provides a brief description of the samples included in the PLX SDK. Please refer to the source code in each sample & the PLX SDK User's Manual for additional details. The PLX samples are intended to demonstrate use of the PLX API. The samples are not intended for debug or real world applications, although they can be extended to complex applications. They should be treated as a reference for writing custom software that utilizes the PLX API. Not all samples work with all PLX devices. The PLX API supports numerous PLX chip families in PCI/PCIe, including 6000-series PCI-to-PCI bridges, 9000-series PCI-to-Local bus bridges, & 8000-series PCI/PCIe bridges & switches. Some samples are provided only for specific chip families. SAMPLES - ApiTest Simple application that calls various PLX APIs for a selected device & verifies return codes & parameters. The API calls made depend upon the type of device selected. - DSlave Demonstrates how to read/write from a PLX 9000 PCI BAR space using the PLX API/driver to perform the data transer. This operation is often referred to as "Direct Slave". - DSlave_BypassApi Similar to the 'DSlave' sample, except this sample uses the PLX API only to map a PCI BAR space directly to the application's virtual space. The application can then directly access the space via simple memory dereferencing, bypassing the PLX API/driver & resulting in greater performance, especially for small transfers. The application is responsible for initializing the BAR space, such as setup of translation/remap registers. - LocalToPciInt [9000-series & 8311] Demonstrates how to wait for a generic Local-to-PCI interrupt using the PLX Notification API. - NT_DmaTest [8000-series switches with DMA & NT support] Demonstrates using the DMA engine in a PLX 8000 switch to transfer data through a PLX



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