上传者: 41191951
上传时间: 2020-01-03 11:32:34
文件大小: 10.07MB
文件类型: unitypackage
The Advanced Inspector gives you full control over how items are displayed, named, colored or even created, directly from attributes.
It streamlines the Inspector, putting right-clickable contextual labels for each fields. It gives unprecedented options, like the ability to copy/paste values!
How the Inspector handles and drawn item have been rewritten from scratch.
* 25 Attributes to fully control your class look and behaviour
* Watch and Save values at runtime
* Sortable list and array
* Copy/Paste per field!
* Apply/Revert per field!
* Dictionaries and Ranges
* Groups, Toolbars, Tabs and Previews!
* Add custom label, tooltip, color, and even URL to an help page online!
* Runtime attributes, gives your class dynamism
* Control what comes in and what comes out with properties
* Add buttons to invoke your functions with a click
* Subcomponents; unleash the power of composition
* Place an Inspector in your own EditorWindow
* Unlimited depth and inline edition