S32K14X 手册

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The S32K14x series is developed according to ISO 26262 and has an integrated safety concept targeting an ISO26262 ASIL-B integrity level. The following documentation supports the integration of an S32K14x chip into safety-related systems: • Reference Manual (S32K14xRM): describes the programming model and functionality of S32K14x chips • Data Sheet (S32K14x): describes S32K14x operating conditions as well as timing and electrical characteristics • Safety Manual (S32K14xSM): describes the S32K14x safety concept and possible safety mechanisms (integrated in S32K14x, system-level hardware, or system-level software) as well as measures to reduce dependent failures • Dynamic FMEDA: inductive analysis enabling customization of system-level safety mechanisms, including the resulting safety metrics for ISO 26262 (SPFM, LFM & PMHF) and IEC 61508 (SFF & Beta IC Factor) • FMEDA Report: describes the FMEDA methodology and safety mechanisms supported in the FMEDA, including source of failure rates, failure modes, and assumptions during the analysis The S32K14x series is a SafeAssure™ solution. For more information regarding functional safety at NXP, visit http://www.nxp.com/safeassure.




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