
上传者: qhrqhrqhr | 上传时间: 2019-12-21 20:28:55 | 文件大小: 1.27MB | 文件类型: zip
Requirements 1. Simulate a Unix file system on your Windows Platform 2. Understand the file system on Unix system, and the usage of i-nodes 3. Implement the function of sub-directory 4. The task needs to be completed using C++ or C 5. Tasks/Functionalities The following functions are required in your file system: 1. Allocate 16MB space in memory as the storage for your file system. The space is divided as blocks with block size 1KB Assume block address length is 32-bit; Design the information contained in i-node The i-node should support up to 10 direct block addresses The i-node should support at least one indirect block address 2. The fist block is used for storing the i-node for the root directory(/). While your program is lunched, two directories (/dir1 and / dir1/dir2) should be created, and also two files need to be written as /dir1/file1 and /dir1/dir2/file2 (5 marks) 3. File 1 and 2 contain the message of “This is file 1.” and “This is file2”. 4. Following commands should be supported in your system: a) Create a file:createFile fileName fileSize (10 marks) i.e.:createFile /dir1/myFile 1024 (in bytes) if fileSiz > max file size, print out an error message. The file content is filled up with filename + repeated digits from 0 - 9 i.e.: “myFile012345678901234567890123….” b) Delete a file:deleteFile filename (10 marks) i.e.:deleteFile /dir1/myFile c) Create a directory:createDir (5 marks) i.e.:createDir /dir1/sub1 d) Delete a directory:deleteDir (5 marks) i.e.: deleteDir /dir1/sub1 (The current working directory is not allowed to be deleted) e) Change current working direcotry:changeDir (5 marks) i.e.: changeDir /dir2 f) List all the files and sub-directories under current working directory:dir (5 marks) You also need to list at least two file attributes. (i.e. file size, time created, etc.) g) Copy a file : cp (5 marks) i.e.: file1 file2 h) Display the usage of storage space:sum (10 marks) Display the usage of the 16MB



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