The Audio Programming Book: (音频编程书籍)

上传者: ouyou_lu | 上传时间: 2022-01-03 09:54:44 | 文件大小: 15.51MB | 文件类型: -
This comprehensive handbook of mathematical and programming techniques for audio signal processing will be an essential reference for all computer musicians, computer scientists, engineers, and anyone interested in audio. Designed to be used by readers with varying levels of programming expertise, it not only provides the foundations for music and audio development but also tackles issues that sometimes remain mysterious even to experienced software designers. Exercises and copious examples (all cross-platform and based on free or open source software) make the book ideal for classroom use. Fifteen chapters and eight appendixes cover such topics as programming basics for C and C++ (with music-oriented examples), audio programming basics and more advanced topics, spectral audio programming; programming Csound opcodes, and algorithmic synthesis and music programming. Appendixes cover topics in compiling, audio and MIDI, computing, and math. An accompanying DVD provides an additional 40 chapters, covering musical and audio programs with micro-controllers, alternate MIDI controllers, video controllers, developing Apple Audio Unit plug-ins from Csound opcodes, and audio programming for the iPhone.



  • nengtiansh :
    这是如何用C实现audio算法的教科书。还带习题。扫描版,没有目录。 偏教学了,实用都是调用库了。
  • sgx6660888 :
    好书,由浅入深。 Audio业务知识,要求一定的基础。 PS: 确实没目录,瑕不掩瑜,我给满分。
  • tjurexue :
  • xueyan0096 :


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