
上传者: lxwm1983 | 上传时间: 2021-09-17 10:51:18 | 文件大小: 16.82MB | 文件类型: ZIP
(韩国开源人形机器人)DARwIn-OP_ROBOTIS_v1.5.0 You can get the latest version at below link. https://sourceforge.net/projects/darwinop/ ===================================== DARwIn-OP v1.5.0 ===================================== >>> Date: 19 Mar 2012 >>> New functionality/features * FSR tutorial has been added. * FSR firmware added. >>> Changes * LinuxMotionTimer has been changed to use clock_nanosleep function. >>> Bug fixes * None. ===================================== DARwIn-OP v1.4.0 ===================================== >>> Date: 16 Jan 2012 >>> New functionality/features * None. >>> Changes * MX-28 firmware updated. * Stand-up motion changed. >>> Bug fixes * Cannot change the camera gain/exposure value from a web page bug fixed. * offset tuner 'set' command bug fixed. ===================================== DARwIn-OP v1.3.0 ===================================== >>> Date: 20 Sep 2011 >>> New functionality/features * offset_tuner added. * walk_tuner web page added. >>> Changes * CM-730 firmware updated. * roboplus support 4096 resolution(MX-28 firmware ver 27 or higher). * dxl_monitor : can change baudrate (control table addr 4) * Get-up motion changed. * read_write tutorial : left arm P gain value changed. (1 -> 8) >>> Bug fixes * None. ===================================== DARwIn-OP v1.2.0 ===================================== >>> Date: 01 Jun 2011 >>> New functionality/features * BulkRead instruction added. * Support FSR sensor. >>> Changes * Actuator Model name changed (RX-28M -> MX-28) * MX-28 firmware updated. * dxl_monitor : can change ID (control table addr 3) * Get-up motion changed. * Sensor calibration routine changed. (use standard deviation) * demo & walk_tuner share the config.ini file. (/darwin/Data/config.ini) >>> Bug fixes * action_edi



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