3DMAX 2017-2018 X Exporter 输出.x模型插件 x64位

上传者: luoyu510183 | 上传时间: 2020-01-20 03:06:02 | 文件大小: 248KB | 文件类型: zip
Installation: Extract the dle file into the plugins directory of 3ds Max. e.g.: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins If you are encountering a runtime error when start 3ds Max you need to install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages Usage: 1.Setup your scene and then choose Export or Export Selected from the File menu. 2.Click the 'Save as type' dropdown list where you will find Alin DirectX Exporter. Choose a file path, and then press OK. The configuration dialog will appear, which control how the scene data will be converted from 3ds Max to .x file. 3.New options: X-Rot and Z-Rot can be used for custom coordinate system, for example, switch between Y-up and Z-up is very easy: simply set the X-Rot to 90. 4.3d engine like Irrlicht needs key sequence to take full control of animation speed. You must select Custom in Timeline tab and set to 1, otherwise the animation will be very slow. 5.If there are textures with names in Asian(Chinese, Korean, Japanese) characters, you must set the output format to binary or compressed. 6.Click OK when you finish the configuration.



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