【Unity 插件】UGUI 专用 UI Text Effects 1.15

上传者: ls9512 | 上传时间: 2021-10-26 15:17:34 | 文件大小: 1.26MB | 文件类型: -
Unity3D UGUI 专用文字特效插件 Text Effects 1.15 UI Text Effects are a set of effects for the standard Unity UI (uGUI) Text. - All script and shader sources included! - Extremely easy to use - just choose the effect from the component menu, and it's applied. - Add fancy titles, custom text appearance, mix multiple effects. - Rich Text support. - Mobile platform support. 12 extremely valuable effects: - Better Outline: a more continuous outline than the standard one. - Gradient Color: global/local, vertical/horizontal, override/additive/multiply. - Depth Effect: add thickness to text. - Soft Shadow: blurry shadow. - Outer Bevel: add outer lit and shaded edges. - Skew Effect: add horizontal+vertical transformations and perspective. - Curve Effect: bend or distort text vertically. - Character Spacing: increase or decrease the distance between individual characters. - Limit Visible Characters: hide characters, make a typewriter. - Overlay Texture: add an image overlay, local/global, override/additive/multiply. - Inner Bevel: add lit and shaded edges inside the characters, override/additive/multiply (only "override" on SM2 level GPUs). - Inner Outline: add outline inside the characters, override/additive/multiply. - With this package, you can finally echo effects from Photoshop or Word, while still using the standard Unity UI Text. - Suggestions for new effects are very welcome. The newly made effects will be added to the package. 仅供学习交流使用,如有侵权请告知删除。



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