Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC, 2nd Edition

上传者: liyifei21 | 上传时间: 2021-12-04 14:33:24 | 文件大小: 7.42MB | 文件类型: -
One of the leading open source frontend frameworks, Bootstrap has undergone a significant change and introduced several features that make designing compelling, next-generation UIs much simpler. Integrating Bootstrap with ASP.NET’s powerful components can further enhance its capabilities. This book guides you through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC website from scratch using Bootstrap. You will learn about the various Bootstrap components as well as techniques to include them in your own projects. The book includes practical examples to show you how to use open source plugins with Bootstrap and ASP.NET MVC and guides you through building an ASP.NET MVC website using Bootstrap, utilizing layout and user interface components. At the end of this book, you will find some valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Bootstrap- and ASP.NET MVC-integrated website. What You Will Learn Create a new ASP.Net MVC 6 project that uses Bootstrap for its styling and learn how to include external libraries using the new package managers Learn to use the various Bootstrap CSS and HTML elements, and how to use the new Bootstrap 4 grid layout system with ASP.Net MVC Explore the different input groups and implement alerts, progress bars, and badges Explore JavaScript components by illustrating and walking through the process of using JavaScript/JQuery to add interactivity to Twitter Bootstrap components Build your own ASP.Net MVC helpers and tag helpers to reduce the amount of HTML needed to generate Bootstrap elements in your projects Convert a Bootstrap HTML template into a usable ASP.Net MVC project Use the jQuery DataTables plugin with Bootstrap and ASP.Net MVC Learn to include and use the TwitterBootstrapMVC library in an ASP.Net MVC project




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