SC Post Effects Pack v2.1.7

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-08-09 17:43:56 | 文件大小: 121B | 文件类型: TXT
Extends Unity's post processing with 34 additional screen effects. Aiming to provide visual enhancers or feedback effects. Edge detection Highlight the edges of objects or colors Fog Distance and height fog with 2D density noise. As well as single, gradient and skybox color modes. Sunshafts Radiate sun rays from a directional light and skybox Caustics Projects an animated caustics texture over the scene, within a certain height range Color Grading LUT Use any third-party LUT strip, with the option to fade two LUTs over distance. Cloud Shadows Projects a texture over the world (cloud example texture included) Tilt Shift Horizontal or Radial depth of field effect Ripples Make the image appear to wave Lens Flares Draw procedural lens flares on bright spots Colorize Remaps the screen's color to a gradient texture (eg. night or thermal vision) Refraction Create cracked glass, scratches, frost etc. Kuwuhara Transforms the image into a real-time oil-painting Sketch Creates a hatching effect based on luminance Ambient Occlusion 2D Adds self shadowing based on luminance Light streaks JJ-Abrams style lens flares. Extends bloom with light streaks Blur Gaussian and Box blurring methods Speed Lines Anime/cartoon speed effect Color Split Simulates the derefraction of color channels Radial blur Blurs the image towards the edges of the screen (aka Bethesda-style pain effect) Pixelize A retro resolution effect, creates pseudo pixelart Dithering Creates a checker-pattern Lo-Fi shading effect Posterize Limits the screen to old school 1-16bit color depth Sharpen Makes the image appear crisper (useful when using TAA) Double Vision Crosseyed vision, either full-screen or limited to the edges Hue Shift 3D Simulates psychedelic color breathing Overlay Fix an image to the screen, includes blending options Kaleidoscope Splits the screen up into mirrored "pie" pieces Transition Steps through a gradient to transition to a black screen (eg. GBA Pokemen)




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