Polygon Planets Pack v1.1

上传者: lishuwei115 | 上传时间: 2021-07-23 21:06:20 | 文件大小: 121B | 文件类型: TXT
Low poly asset pack of 239 unique models designed to have the ability to create massive amount of variations to meet the needs of your project Key Features - - 239 3d models, vertex painted - 4Kx2K HDR custom crafted panoramic skybox nebula texture - 3x ShaderGraph shaders allow you to easily customize models to get unique look - Demo scene of animated solar system to showcase some planet variations you can create - Uiversal Render Pipeline, mobile ready List of assets: - x100 exoplanets (1824 tris) - x30 barren planets (2400 tris) - x20 volcanic planets (3200 tris) - x30 crystal planets (4200-6500 tris) - x45 moons (760-1842) - x11 asteroid belts (576-1672 tris) - x3 rings (298-524 tris) - x1 Black Hole with accretion disc and customizable shader. Important: This asset is configured to be used with Universal Render Pipeline(URP), and LINEAR color space,don't forget to configure it using these simple instruction: 1. Import asset and Go to Edit-->Projects Setings-->Graphics 2. Click dot right to the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings field and select UniversalRenderPipelineAsset from the list. 3.Go to Edit-->Player-->Other settings And set Color space from gamma to Linear. Done !




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