上传者: lisai17
上传时间: 2022-05-06 10:40:55
文件大小: 317KB
文件类型: DOC
1. Scope(范围) 2
2. Conformance(一致性) 2
3. Normative references(标准参考) 2
4. Terms and definitions(术语和定义) 2
5. Conventions (约定) 3
5.1 Normative Verbs 标准动词 3
5.2 Symbols (and abbreviated terms)符号(和缩写词) 3
6. Web-Map-Server Integration(Web-Map-Server 结合) 3
6.1 (A Review of WMS 1.1.1)WMS 1.1.1的回顾 3
6.2 General HTTP Request Rules as used by WMS and SLD 4
6.3 Styled-Layer Descriptor (风格化图层描述器) 4
6.4 WMS Requests using an SLD(使用一个SLD的WMS请求) 5
6.5 Web Map Servers and Web Feature/Coverage Servers 8
6.6 DescribeLayer Request (DescribeLayer请求) 9
6.7 Enhancements to WMS GetCapabilities(WMS GetCapabilities的增强) 10
7. Layers(图层) 11
7.1 SLD Root Element (SLD 根元素). 11
7.2 Named Layers.(命名的图层) 12
7.3 User-Defined Layers (用户自定义的图层) 14
8. User-Defined Styles (用户自定义的样式) 16
9. FeatureTypeStyles.(特征类型样式) 17
10. Rules(规则) 18
10.1 Identification & Legends (标识和图例) 18
10.2 Scale Selection(比例选择). 19
10.3Feature Filtering(特征过滤) 19
11. Symbolizers(象征) 19
11.1 Line Symbolizer(线象征) 19
11.1.1Format(Line Symbolizer的格式) 19
11.1.2 Geometry(几何图形) 19
11.1.3 Stroke (笔划) 20
11.1.4 Examples(例子) 21
11.2 Polygon Symbolizer(多边形象征) 22
11.2.1 Format (格式) 22
11.2.2 Fill (填充) 22
11.2.3 Example(例子). 23
11.3 Point Symbolizer (点象征) 23
11.3.1 Format (格式) 23
11.3.2 Graphic(图形) 24
11.3.3 Examples (例子) 25
11.4 Text Symbolizer.(文本象征) 26
11.4.1 Format (格式) 26
11.4.2 Label (标签) 27
11.4.3 Font(字体) 27
11.4.4 Label Placement .(标签布局) 27
11.4.5 Halo (光轮) 29
11.4.6 Example(例子) 29
11.5 Raster Symbolizer (光栅象征) 29
11.5.1 Format (格式) 29
11.5.2 Parameters (参数) 30
11.5.3 Examples(例子) 32